Educational Technology 2- Lessons 1-18(Summary, Reflection, and Application)

                   The Educational Technology (ET-1) course has truly paved the way for the learner to become aware, appreciative and equipped for the educational technology tools ranging from the traditional to modern educational media. In ET-1, the learner was also oriented towards averting the dangers of dehumanization which technology brings into societies, through ideological propaganda, pornography, financial fraud and other exploitative use of technology.
The Educational Technology 1 served:
·         To orient the learner to the pervasiveness of Educational Technology in society.
·         To lend familiarization on how educational technology can be utilized as media for the avenues teaching- learning processes in the school.
·         To uplift human learning through the use of learning technology.
·         To impart skills in planning, designing, using and evaluating the technology – enriched teaching- learning process.
·         To acquaint learners on basic aspects of community educational, functions of the school media center, and finally,
·         To introduce the learner to what is recognized as the third revolution in education, the computer.
REFLECTION:    We all know that computer now a days has the big impact to our society specially to the new generation. But we should think that Computer should not just be used on playing games, posting nude photos and etc which could deprive other's rights. Rather it used be used in a correct way such for example, instead of playing online games why don’t we Google our assignment over the net or just simply visit the educational website, in that way we could gain knowledge. 
 On the application of educational technology to instruction, Educational Technology 1 showed the four phases of educational technology in teaching and learning namely: (a) setting of learning objectives, (b) designing specific learning experience,(c) evaluating the effectiveness of the learning experiences vis-avis the learning objectives and (d) revision as needed of the whole teaching-learning process, or elements of it, for further improvement of future instructional activities.

                   Educational Technology 2 is concerned with ‘Integrating Technology into teaching and learning “specifically, this is focused on introducing, reinforcing, supplementing and extending knowledge and skills to learners so that they can become exemplary users of educational technology.
Educational Technology 2 will be involving a deeper understanding of the computers as well as hands on application of computer skills. But this is not to say that the goal of the course is to promote computer skills.
The course aims to infuse technology on the student- teachers training, helping them to meet and adapt to rapid and continuing technological changes particularly in the thriving global information and communication technology (ICT) environment.
REFLECTION:   As we know Educational technology is indeed very helpful to us. But it should not be abused nor be used in a wrong way because i believe that these technologies are not invented to destroy nor to degrade all humanity rather these are being invented to help us in all aspect of our lives.
                   About to this, students should be taught how to use it properly. But teaching alone may not be enough for them to learn the teacher should also let their students experience a thing in order for them understand what it is all about.
                    Students should be given activities in order for them to learn better because being taught may not be enough to fully understand what’s the topic is all about. They need to experience what they are learning because experience is the best teacher.
  APPLICATION: It will be easier to work with computers as a future teacher. It may widen our mindsets.

                    The concern for new learners is valid. On the other hand, it is to be admitted that our teachers today generally use the traditional education program applicable to learners if the past, acquainted with linear, textual and sequential learning.
It is observed that the new learners spend much time with friends on their cell phones, sending text messages, interacting through social internet media like face book, playing video games and surfing the worldwide web.
Lest the concerned for new learners is not well understood, it serves to know what scientists says as follows:
·         There are positive benefits derived from the use of information technology or digital resources and these counterbalance possible negative effects of technology on children.
·         Daily exposure to high technology personal computers, video game gadgets, cell phones, internet search sites- stimulates the brain by strengthening and creating naval circuit.
·          A current technological revolution is creating an intellectual revolution, faster and better than ever before.
The 19th century psychologist Jean Piaget presented a chart from childhood to adulthood with the first two years of susceptible minds, six years of acquiring communication skills, teenage years of transition concrete thinking and adult years of abstract thinking and reasoning.
Truly, there are valid concerns which must be met and among this is the feared underdevelopment of new learners along social face-to-face interaction skills. On the other hand, there is the phenomenon of the young generation taking on multi tasking as they perform task simultaneously. Watching video, chatting online, downloading pictures and music, surfing the web, etc. True to say, research shows that multi tasking can be determined since this prevents concentration and the completion of specific tasks.
REFLECTION:   This lesson would help us to realize and motivate ourselves with what the other countries are doing with their information technology. The essence of this topic depends on how the learners apply what they have learned.
  APPLICATION: As a future teacher, I will apply this different high tech. In order to have a wider knowledge and to elevate the learning attainments of the learners. By using this, the learners can be able to participate well as well as to concentrate and listen well because they can see it through their eyes the things which they are usually saw and use which they can relate on.

                      The older generation often feels there is a generation gap between them and the younger generation. This is apparent of simple things like the manner of dressing socializing, more intimate relationship s like friendship and marrying, etc. Even in education, schooling has hardly changed even with the clear evidence of a digital world.
                        In the field of new education, a huge generation also exists and it will continue to widen unless change are adopted at the proper time. But given the rapid emergence of Digital technology, at times referred to information and communication technology (ICT).
REFLECTION: The older generation having a gap with the younger generation that they cannot easily adapt to the modern world of the young generations. Also reflects in a true to life situation.
        APPLICATION: As a future teacher to be, we need to unite and bridge the distance between the old generations and young generations. Even they cannot easily work with a computer we must also help    them bring to the digital world.

                    What the older generation likes may not be the same as what the new generation prefers in their life, work and leisure. The state dictates Educational priorities based on the preparation on the country’s need to strengthen its agricultural, business, or industrial economy.
                     In the field of education, it is important that critical differences in perceptions between old and young which create a generation gap need to be discussed.
                    Single and multi- task activity Patterns *
Text versus Visuals- Our parents read book text, enriched by illustrations and photos. In order to research, they go to the school library, they use card catalogue for needed books and sign up to borrow books for home reading. The technology or digital generation has greater affinity to visuals (photos and video) compared with texts.
Linear versus Hypermedia- The past 30- years old generation has obtain information in linear, logical and sequential manner. On the positive side, this has made them more logical, focused and reflective thinkers.
Independent versus Social learners- The traditional education system gives priority to independent learning prior to participate work. New learners however are already acquainted with digital tools that adapt to both personal and participative work.

Learning to do versus learning to pass the test- Old teachers teach students in order to help them pass tests and complete the course requirement. On the other hand, the new digital learners simply wish to acquire skills, knowledge, and habits as windows of opportunity afford them to learn.
Delayed reward and instant gratification- The traditional reward system of the older generation in education consists in the grades, honor certificate, medals and diplomas. Including future jobs, the traditional schools reward system consists of unclear rewards for performance.
The memory versus fun learning- Teachers feel obliged to delivering content-based courses, the learning of which is measurable by standard tests. Digital learners prefer fun learning which is relevant and instantaneously useful to them.
                           REFLECTION:     As much as possible, as future educators we must have knowledge about the modern technology and try to integrate it in our lessons. This could be a big help not only to us but also for our students to be active in class and to unleashed boredom for the part of the students to just sit there and listen.
                       APPLICATION: Learners and the society may uplift their skills and gain another new idea because as what the older generation practices inside the school, the teachers in new generation may apply the strategies they are being used in the traditional way to the modern one. In this way, the older and new generation may transform and improve when it comes to the educational system.
LESSON 6: IT Enters a New learning Environment
The four conceptual models namely Meaning Learning, Discovery Learning, Generative Learning and Constructivism are useful in achieving instructional goals through preferred application of educational technology. With these conceptual models, we shall see how effective teachers best interact with their students in innovative learning activities while integrating technology to the teaching-learning process.
Meaningful Learning
This gives focus to new experience that is related to what the learner already knows. A new experience departs from the learning of a sequence of words or memory attention to meaning. It assumes that: Students already have some knowledge that is relevant to new learning students are willing to perform class work to find connections between what they already know and what they can learn.
In the learning process the learner is encouraged to recognize relevant personal experiences. A reward structure is set so that the learner will have both interest and confidence, and this incentive system gives positive reinforcement to learning.
Discovery Learning
This kind of learning is differentiated from reception learning in which ideas are presented directly to students in a well-organized way, such as through a detailed set of instructions to complete an experiment or task. To make a contrast, in discovery learning students perform tasks to uncover what is to be learned. New ideas and new decisions are generated in the process regardless of the need to move on and depart from organized set-off activities.
Generative learning
In generative learning we have active learners who attend to learning events and generate drawing from this experience and draw inferences thereby creating a personal model or explanation to the new experience in the context or existing knowledge.
In constructivism, the learner builds a personal understanding through appropriate learning activities and a good learning environment. The two accepted are:
· Learning consists of what a person can actively assemble for himself and not what he can receive passively.
· The role of learning is to help the individual live/adapt to his personal world.
With these two principles in turn lead to three practical implications:
· The learner is the directly responsible for learning. He creates personal understanding and transforms information into knowledge. The teacher plays an indirect role by modeling effective learning, assisting, facilitating, and encouraging learners.
· The context of meaningful learning consists in the learner “connecting” his school activity with real life.
· The purpose of education is acquisition of practical and personal knowledge, not abstract or universal truths.

Teachers feel too obliged to delivering content-based courses, the learning of which is measurable by standard tests. Digital learners and not surprisingly there is much fun in the digital world outside the school.
       Personally, I am checked and reminded again on the need to complement your learning with the necessary digital skills and so your students could effectively function in the learning process. It is not just more on letting your students do everything without even thinking of particular or specific skills to focus and develop. Integration of technology plus developing digital skills equals to productive and interactive learning. And so as a future educator, I should be able to do the same in order to create a more meaningful learning to the students. It is not just an option, rather a necessity.

LESSON 7: IT for Higher Thinking Skills and Creativity

Higher Level Learning Outcomes
           to define higher level thinking skills and creativity, we may adopt a framework that is a helpful synthesis of many models and definitions on the subject matter. The framework is not exhaustive but a helpful guide for the teacher’s effort to understand the learner’s higher learning skills. Complex Thinking Skills, Sub-Skills, Focusing, Defining the problem, goal/objective-setting, brainstorming, Information .
The traditional information absorption model of teaching is that the model of teaching is that the teacher is the organizes and presents information to student-learners. He/she may use the chalkboard, videotape, newspaper or magazine and photos. Then the presentation is followed by a discussion and the giving of assignment. But a new challenge has arisen for today’s learners and this is not simply to achieve learning objectives but to encourage the development of students who can do more than receive, recite and apply the knowledge they have acquired. Today students are expected not only to be mentally excellent, but also flexible, analytical and creative.

The Upgraded Project Method

Given these complex thinking skills, the modern day teacher can now be guided on his goal to help student achieve higher level thinking skills and creativity beyond ordinary benchmark of the student’s passing, even excelling achievements tests. When the ordinary classrooms are lacking with instructional kits, use the project method to bring students to higher domains. In a project method, students work on projects with depth complexity, duration, and relevance to the real world. There is already a revised project method wherein the students would make decisions about what to put on the project, how to organize information and how to package the outcomes for presentation while the teacher guides and facilities the learning process.


            It’s not fair; all students should be involved in the teaching-learning process not only the teacher. Focusing on the product is not good. It is because process is more important than products. Since, process is refers to the thinking/affective/psycho-motor process that occurs on the part of the learner. So, with the methods proposed for use of computer-based technologies as an integral support to higher thinking skills and creativity, students might be globally competitive as well as the teacher. Therefore, it is a big help for all of us.


            It is a new challenge for us as a future teacher that teaching is not just simply achieving learning objectives but to encourage the development of the students who can do more than receive, recall, recite and apply the knowledge they have to acquire.


It is the students themselves who demonstrate higher thinking skills and creativity through such activities searching for information, organizing and synthesizing ideas, creating presentations, and the like.
In developing software, creativity as an outcome should not be equated with ingenuity or high intelligence. Creating is more constant with planning, making, assembling, designing, or building.
                 For IT-based projects conducive to develop higher-thinking skills and creatively among learners.
                  I-RESOUCE- BASED PROJECT
In this project, the teacher steps out the traditional role of being a content expert and information producer and instead lets the students find their own facts and information. The general flows of intents in resource based project are:
1.       The teacher determine the topic for the examination of the class (e.g. Definition of man)
2.       The teacher presents the problem to the class.
3.       The students find information on the problem-questions.
                     II. SIMPLE CREATIONS
Students can also be assigned to create their software materials to supplement the need for relevant and effective materials.
   In developing software, creativity as an outcome should not be acquainted with ingenuity or high intelligence.
The production of self mode multimedia projects can be approached in two different ways:
1.       As an instructive tool, such as in the production by students of a power point pros. Of a selected topic.
2.       As a communication tool as when students do a multimedia presentation with events graphs, photos, a variation interviews, video clips, etc. to stimulate a television new shows.

                   IV. WEB- BASED PROJECTS

Students can be made to create the posts web pages on a given topic. Creativity projects as tool in the teaching – learning process can be achieved with the assistance of advisers in the technical use of internet resource.
Through IT-based projects, higher - order thinking skills are developed and students are given projects that let them learn in their own pace and pattern, with the teacher acting as a facilitator. Students who engaged in these activities, searching for information, organizing and synthesizing ideas, and creating their own presentations are the ones who demonstrate higher thinking skills and creativity. Learning had become more enjoyable for students and in return they also develop skills for lifelong learning. 

As a teacher we must to motivate them to improve more their skills or ability being creative so that they can enhance their knowledge about what they learn.


The evolving pace of innovation in today’s Information Age is so dynamic that within the first decade of the 21st century, computer technology in education has matured to transform into an educative information and communication technology (ICT) in education.
   Through computer technology, educators saw the amplification of learning along with computer literacy. Much Like reading, the modern student can now interact with computer messages; even respond to questions or to computer commands. Again like writing, the learner can form messages using computer language or program.
          Some computer-assisted instruction (CAI) was introduced using the principle of individualized learning through a positive climate that includes realism and appeal with drill, exercises that uses color, music and animation. The novelty of CAI has not waned to this day especially in the basic education level as this is offered by computer-equipped private schools. But the evolving pace of innovation in today’s Information Age is so dynamic that within the first decade of the 21st century, computer technology in education has matured to transform into an educative information and communication technology (ICT) in education.
       The Personal Computer (PC) as ICT*
          Until the nineties, it was still possible to distinguish between instructional media and the educational communication media.
          Instructional media consist of audio-visual aids that served to enhanced and enrich the teaching-learning process. Examples are the blackboard, photo, film and video.
          On the other hand, educational communication media comprise the media of communication. For example, the distance learning was implemented using correspondence, radio, television, or the computer satellite system.
          Close to the turn of the 21st century, however, such a distinction merged owing to the advent of the microprocessor, also known as the personal computer (PC). This is due to the fact that the PC user at home, office and school has before him a tool for both audio-visual creations and media communication.
 As future teachers, we share and give information to our students during instruction. And to be able to deliver this information, effective communication is important. ICT is very useful in the sense that information and communication are important elements in teaching.
  As a future teacher, we must take into consideration the process in every project because in the process, the students were able to think and apply their creativity as results they have develop their higher As a future teacher, we must take into consideration the process in every project because in the process, the students were able to think and apply their creativity as results they have develop their higher order thinking skills.


It should be made clear, however, that the computer cannot totally replace the teacher since the teacher shall continue to play information deliverer and learning environment controller.
The computer is a tutor in this new age of learning. It does not replace the teacher, although it assumes certain roles previously assigned to teacher who now has to take the new role of facilitator and guide.
Computer activities are not the end-all of learning since they have to conform to the lessons/curriculum.
Computers will become an integral component of the future classroom and not a mere machine that can deliver routine drills and exercises.
The computer can be a tutor in effect relieving to teach of many activities in his/ her personal role as a class tutor. It should be made clear, however, that the computer cannot totally replace the teacher since the teacher shall continue to play the major roles of information deliverer and learning environment controller. Even with the available computers and CAI software, the teacher must:
·         Insure that students have the needed knowledge and skills for any computer activity.
·         Decide the appropriate learning objectives.
·         Plan the sequential and structured activities to achieve objectives.
·         Look the student’s achievement by uses of the specific expected outcomes.
                     CAI computer learning should not stop with the drill and practice activities of the students on effects, CAI works best in reinforcing learning through repetitive exercises such that students can practice basic skills or knowledge to various object areas.
                      Simulation software materials are another kind of software that is constructive in nature. Teacher’s strategies rules applied to real life situations.
                      While relating to low- level learning objectives, instructional computer games are the elements of competition and challenge.
These are sophisticated than the dull and practice exercises and allow students to learn and improve on their problem solving ability.
The multimedia encyclopedia can store a huge database with texts, images, animations, audio and video. Students can across any desired information, search its vast contents, and even download/ point relevant positions of the data for their composition or presentation
Electronic books provide textual information, for research supplement by other types of multimedia info. (Sounds, spoken words, animations .)    
: The computer can be a tutor, in effect, relieving the teacher of many activities in his personal role as classroom teacher. The computer cannot totally replace the teacher since the teacher shall continue to play the major roles of information deliverer and learning environment controller.
We used to use the computer as our helper in our works, especially in researching. Researching is usually done inside the school, so as a future teacher, computers are so important for us.
 was introduced by Jean Piaget (1981) and Bruner (1990). They gave stress to knowledge discovery of new meaning/concepts/principles in the learning process. Various strategies have been suggested to foster knowledge discovery, among these, is making students engaged in gathering unorganized information from which they can induce ideas and principles. Students are also asked to apply discovered knowledge to new situations, a process for making their knowledge applicable to real life situations.

While knowledge is constructed by the individual learner in constructivism, knowledge can also be socially constructed. Social Constructivism is the effort to show that the construction of knowledge is governed by social, historical and cultural contexts. In effect, this is to say that the learner who interprets knowledge has a predetermined point of view according to the social perspectives of the community or society he lives in.

The psychologist Vygotsky stressed that learning is affected by social influences. He suggested the interactive process in learning. A more capable adult (teacher or parent) can aid or complement what the learner sees in a given tasks or project. In addition, John Dewey sees language as medium for social coordination and adaptation. For Dewey, human learning is really human language that occurs when students socially share, build and agree upon meanings and knowledge.

The Computer’s Capabilities

Informative Tool

The computer can provide vast amounts of information in various forms, such as text, graphics, sound, and video. Even multimedia encyclopedias are today available on the internet.

Communication Tool

The computer has been used in communication as evident by social networking sites as to face book, twitter and friendster. We can even chat/talk friends and families anywhere in the globe through yahoo messenger or the one in face book or view them through the webcam. We can send messages and information through the internet in just seconds or minutes.

Constructive Tool

The computer itself can be used for manipulating information, visualizing one’s understanding, and building new knowledge. The Microsoft Word computer program itself is desktop publishing software that allows users to organize and present their ideas in attractive formats.

Co-constructive Tool

 Students can use constructive tools to work cooperatively and construct a shared understanding of new knowledge. One way of co-construction is the use of the electronic whiteboard where students may post notices to a shared document/whiteboard. Students may also co-edit the same document from their homes.

Situating Tool

 By means of virtual reality (RS) extension systems, the computer can create 3-D images on display to give the user the feeling that are situated in a virtual environment. A flight simulation program is an example of a situating tool which places the user in simulated flying environment.


          Aside from the truth that computer can be a TUTOR, computer also can be a teachers handy tool in teaching, teachers can use computer as an information tool where in it provides vast amount of information such as the latest news, weather report and other important info’s. Through internet student can get information for their reports and assignment. Communication tool, where in students can communicate through E-mail and other social media.
I must be informative when it comes to electronic communication or to be skillful and know how in social networking sites in order for online communication to my students as giving them instruction and assignments or whatever it might be.

The idea of student-centered learning is not a recent idea. In fact, as early as the 20th century, educational educators such as John Dewey argued for highly active and individualized pedagogical methods which place the student at the center of the teaching-learning process.

The Traditional Classroom

It may be observed that classrooms are usually arranged with neat columns and rows of student chairs or desks, while the teacher stands in front of the classroom or sits behind his table. This situation is necessitated by the need to maintain classroom discipline, also allows the teacher to control classroom activities through lecture presentation and teacher-led discussions.

Noticeably, however, after spending so many minutes in lesson presentation and class management, students can get restless and fidgety. Often enough, the teacher has to also manage misbehavior in class as students start to talk among themselves or simply stare away in lack of attention.

The SCL Classroom

 John Dewey has described traditional learning as a process in which the teacher pours information to student learners, much like pouring water from a jug into cups. This is based on the long accepted belief that the teacher must perform his role of teaching so that learning can occur. This learning approach is generally known as direct instruction, and it has worked well for obtaining many kinds of learning outcomes. The problem with it is that the approach in learning, however, is the fact that the world’s societies have began to change. It may not be felt strongly to countries in which on countries who depends mostly their economy to factory workers. Traditional and direct instruction is very useful in these countries.

 In contrast, industrialized societies we find knowledge-based economies in which workers depend on information that can be accessed through information and communication technologies (ICTs). Desiring to gain effectiveness, efficiency and economy in administration, schools in these developed economies have also adopted the support of ICTs. Their students have now become active not passive learners, demonstrating independence and self-awareness in the learning process.


          In this lesson we know that there is a big difference between the traditional classroom and student-centered learning because the traditional classroom the teacher are really focused are really the who one who teaches, she engage herself to teach herself knowing the fact that nowadays students has a total of 50-60 numbers it is really hard for them to accommodate them while in the SCL the students are participating in the discussion.
As a teacher of a modern age, student centered learning must be implemented or giving the most important to every classroom that teachers may be dedicated to impart the learning. I’ll be making a technique to accommodate the amount of 50-60 numbers of students to participate in the discussion.
Lesson 13 (Cooperative learning with the computer)

     The ideal ratio of pupil-computer in other progressive countries is 1:1 but, in reality we don’t have enough computers to be used especially in public or government. In addition, teachers believed that there must be way. They found that creativity will respond in this situation and they come up with an idea of cooperative and collaborative learning wherein students are group to perform common learning task: the common goal, interdependence, interaction, individual accountability and social skills. Hence, cooperative learning is a good idea to address the problem while enhancing the students’ personal and social development.
 Cooperative learning enhances social development making the learner to be more creative expressing ideas of their own and relate to others. The learner becomes competitive and creates social constructivism wherein they share and learn more ideas.

As the future teacher, cooperation of a student is very important. The teacher must have the sense of responsibility for this. With the computer, it also making far things possible.

Lesson 14 (The software an educational resource)

     When we think about computers we may refer this as a machine, television, monitor and keyboard. However, the things listed above are the hardware of the computer which is hardly useful without the program or system it is called software the two kinds of software are system software and application software. System software is the operating system that bonded inside the computer while application software contains the system that commands the particular task solve problem the examples are custom software and commercial software. On the other hand, Microsoft windows are an operating environment between the use of computer operating system. Similarly, instructional software are visited on the internet or brought from software shops.

     Everything we use to operate inside the monitor is software and it is important to the user. However, both components are complement to one another.
 Software as an educational resource is a big help for us. Students tend to get bored easily and using a software like a PowerPoint presentation can catch their attention especially with a colorful material and /or nice pictures along with a certain topic. When they see a picture or a nice colorful background, border or text related to the topic tendency is for them to pay more attention to the next slide awaiting for the next topic which results to an interactive learning between teacher and student.
Lesson 15 (Understanding hypermedia)

     Hypermedia is nothing but multimedia, but this was use as educational computers software wherein information is presented to the student and their activities are associated by virtual learning. There are characteristics of hypermedia applications namely: learner control which learner itself will make his/her own decision on the flow of instruction, learner wide range of navigation routes wherein the learner has an option to repeat and change speed as he/she desired, variety of media that includes more than one media. However, capabilities of hypermedia do not replace life’s experiences and learning from nature of life.
     Hypermedia is useful to the teachers because it gets the learners attention on listening. Similarly, it makes the learner recall the learning because it is virtual that provide learning feedback.
           As a future teacher, I think hypermedia is a very good software to use if I am promoting self-directed learning in my students since learning through multimedia is based on preference and interest of the learner. I would suggest the use hypermedia to my students but of course only those that I have examined. Since hypermedia offers a non-chronological way of learning, I think I would first introduce my students to the concept of the lesson and leave to them the reviewing or relearning of the concepts that aren’t clear to them with the use of hypermedia soft ware’s.

Lesson 16 (The internet and education)

     Internet is also called net. Net is the largest and far-flung network system of all system. Internet is not really a network a network but loosely organized collection of about 25,000 networks accessed by computers on the planet. No one’s own the internet; there are no central headquarters, no centrally offered services, and no comprehensive online index. However this is done through a standardized protocol called transmission control protocol/internet protocol. The most attractive way to move around the internet is called browsing or a program called Brower that uses mouse to point and click on screen icons to surf in the internet. Therefore, the use of internet has been all around the world and it has educational use as via email such as pen pals in US that indicates studies and question of a certain country. Internet gives connection to the world outside and advantages to access information.

      Internet is used every day, it makes us connected to the world outside, even in education we use internet to access in different form of information that provides us the knowledge that answer our questions.
   The internet and education helps a lot to me as a student and as a future teacher to have the deeper knowledge and to learn more of what I need to know. The internet has the big contribution and really helps those schools to browse information. In the library, they used internet for the students and teachers to access data and more information that they need, although books are also used by them yet being a student, I prefer more using the internet.
                  The internet and education are related to one another. Through internet, we do educate and learned something. We get a lot of facts and discover new things. In school, we do socialize to other people with friends, classmates and teachers presently. We acquire wisdom and knowledge from them.

Lesson 17 (Educational technology 2 practicum)

      Student-centered learning in reaching technology to education is the main concern of the trainee teachers and the professionals as well in educational technology 2 which offers learners the experiential process of adapting to technology integration. In this lesson, practicum phase was also discussed which consists of hands-on computer tutorials through which the student teacher or professional teacher-trainee will need to make the learner to be capable. Furthermore, computer laboratory, participation of computer lab tutor and assigned number of hours in conformity with the course requirement are some of the essential requirements for the ET 2 practicum phase. In addition, there’s a time limit for the practicum phase when it comes to the basic Microsoft word for 6 hours, the Microsoft power point for 6 hours again and the internet as tool of inquiry for 4 hours tutorial. In sum, Educational Technology 2 promises to bring student teacher and the professional teacher trainee to the challenge of a new age and that is to integrate technology in the teaching-learning process. Therefore, ET 2 is the stand point wherein teachers can move ahead with their use of technology in the classroom.


        Being an educator is not an easy task since your student depends on your knowledge about a certain topic. Educators are the producers of knowledge while learners are the consumers of that knowledge to achieve a necessary learning outcome. Nowadays, we observed that most learners are eager and curious about learning something and because we are now in these modern times, we must have to link students to technological advancement. Educators are the authorized person to make an innovation to learners and that is to start the modern methods of teaching with the technology as an equipment to acquire knowledge. Thus, teachers should go with the modern and let go of the traditional method.
Accordingly, practicum is considered to be the most highly valued component of teacher education program that aim to prepare teachers who are thoughtful, reflective and inquiring. One of such approach is to give students adequate school based practical experience. Therefore, the academic component of teacher education program must incorporate practicum so that the students can understand the sociocultural, political and economic factor underpinning education, and learn in context from firsthand experience. 
Lesson 18 Tables for Textbooks in schools
Books are still the primary medium of instruction in most schools. The disadvantages in using books are being debated. Technology is being viewed as a savior. The computer screen can very well serve as a powerful educational medium. Classroom Instructions which rides the vehicle of gaming admittedly makes learning more effective and more fun. The effectiveness of books print also wanes in comparison with the visual images school children have more become used to after the advent of televisions, video and computer games.
Laptop                                                                          iPod/Table
-Portable with hardware included                -small, portable, and light
Project.                                                          -Full control of a screen and application
-full keyboard for easy, accurate                  -touch screen with stylus or fingers
Encoding                                                       -can store all your music, photos and    videos
-full screen for viewing, browsing                -built-in flash camera
  Enjoying entertainment content               -built-in eReader to read books durable  
 -heavy weight                                                but touch screen can scratch,  
                                                                        Damage screen display

Tablets for schools
Use of tablets in public schools in the country may be difficult considering factors:

a.         Cost of one tablet for one student is not within the budget capability or beyond capability of the government.
b.         Books have more durability compared with electronic gadgets
c.         Technical expertise for the learning software is not widely available.
We notice struggle in constructing and promoting tablets in teaching and learning process.
First thing that we should be mindful of is the situation and economic status of every individual. Second is the low-priced obligatory to buy tablets. Third, may be the politicians. Teachers can devote more time in clarifying the use of the gadgets in its place of what to be deliberated. Less tough compare to books.

My judgments with this, the using of tablet is not appropriate to the life expectancy we have here in the Philippines. Number one problem is the economy we have here and politicians that lead us. It is more pertinent only to those who have enough money and belong to rich families and private schools.

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